Coming to the Czech Republic or Prague in particular with Scouts?
These pages will help you with a list of a few of the activities and contacts that we have used and made whilst being here in Prague. There are many more available but it’s a good starting point. These pages also shows you a little about travel and costs in CZ.
Why not stay in our own meeting place – The Gilwell Centre which is located in the centre of Prague. A perfect place for scout groups of up to 20 people to stay in – see –
Beyond what is shown on these pages we can’t recommend other campsites, you will need to use the searchable database
If you need more help then the best plan is to contact The Czech Scouts international office – they will be only too pleased to help you with your questions.
Scout Campsites and Centres
1st Prague Scout Group Centre – The Gilwell Centre
Some key centres –
Searchable database of all scout houses/centres/campsites – most can be hired
Junak Scout Institute
Scout centre and coffee shop right on the Old Town Square in Prague. Cheap coffee and refreshments and meet Czech Scouts. Some scouting items for sale. Closes during the summer.
Scouting contacts
1st Prague Scout Group (British Scouting Overseas)
British Scouting Overseas

British Scouting Overseas – Northern Europe District

Junak – Czech Scouts

Emergency calls in the Czech Republic
150 – Fire Department
155 – Ambulance
156 – Metropolitan Police
158 – Czech Police
112 – Universal European emergency number
Access to these telephone numbers is free.